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 PAS - SWiftPlus

PAS SWiftPlus - Allocating a bed

SwiftplusSWiftPlus Allocating a bed This can be used when a patient has been admitted to the ward but not allocated a bed. The patient will appear in the Awaiting Bed Allocation section at the top of the screen. Left click on the patient and select... Read More

PAS SWiftPlus - Confirm Admission

SwiftplusSWiftPlus Confirm Admission This function is used when a patient has been allocated a TCI (to come in) date from the waiting list system in PAS (B E A). If any of the patient's demographic details are incorrect these must be updated... Read More

PAS SWiftPlus - Discharge

SwiftplusSWiftPlus Discharge When the patients care spell has been completed they must be discharged from their current location. Left click on the patient and select Discharge. Confirm the identity of the patient. The Method of Discharge will... Read More

PAS SWiftPlus - Log on to

Log on to SwiftplusSWiftPlus On your PC double click on the SwiftplusSWiftPlus icon. Enter your username and password, then either press the return key or click Sign In. Select your ward from the list displayed. When your password has expired the... Read More

PAS SWiftPlus - Move Beds

SwiftplusSWiftPlus Move Beds This option can be used to move a patient to another bed within the same ward. Left click on the patient and select Move Beds. Confirm the identity of the patient. A list of all available beds will be displayed with... Read More

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