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PAS SWiftPlus - Discharge

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Swiftplus Discharge

When the patients care spell has been completed they must be discharged from their current location.

  • Left click on the patient and select Discharge.
  • Confirm the identity of the patient.
  • The Method of Discharge will default to ‘On medical advice’. This can be updated by selecting one of the alternative options under the drop down arrow menu.
  • Destination on Discharge is a mandatory field, PAS Inpatient - Source of admission and Destination Codes. Click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate option.
  • If you select Other Hospital with provider the Destination Hospital data field will appear this is a mandatory field. Ensure you select the correct hospital to which the patient is being discharged.
  • Change Consultant will default to Yes, you must ensure this is left as the default setting.
  • Destination Location is a freetext field and should be used to input the destination details when a patient is being discharged to any location other than their usual place of residence e.g. a community hospital or temporary address.
  • The V T E assessment is also mandatory. Select either Y or N from the drop down options.
  • Click OK to confirm the discharge details.
PAS SWiftPlus - Discharge