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 PAS - Inpatient

PAS Inpatient - Return from leave

From the PAS IP Basic menu select Inpatient Stay Movements (H I S M). Enter the patient hospital number and select them, the Inpatient Stay Movements screen will open. From the action prompts type R T L for Return from Leave and press the return key.... Read More

PAS Inpatient - Sent on leave

This function is used when a patient is sent to another location but has NOT been discharged from our care e.g. for patients who are in hospital for a long time and go home for the weekend. From your PAS Inpatient Basic menu select Inpatient... Read More

PAS Inpatient - Shared care

There are occasions when patients in hospital are being treated by more than one consultant. This is referred to as SHARED CARE. It is important that these patients are identified as such to prevent errors occurring on their discharge. From the PAS... Read More

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