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PAS Inpatient - Printing labels

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Standard Labels

Select from your menu PAS User Utilities

  • Select the Quick Labels and Letter Print (H G Q L) option and press the return key.
  • Number Type Enter C R number and Return.
  • Number Enter patient’s number and Return. The patient’s name and date of birth will appear, check these are correct.
  • Select L A for labels from the screen action prompts and return.
  • Label Layout This will default to S T D (standard labels), press the return key.
  • Number of Sets, type a number between 1 and 99, press the return key.
  • Print immediately Y for yes, press the return key.
  • Output To This will depend on your location. F1 for help
  • Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details at the bottom of the screen. Press the return key. You will be returned to the Quick Labels/Letters Print screen.


If, after admitting the patient, you need to go back and reprint the wristband, select from your menu PAS User Utilities

  • Select the Quick Labels and Letter Print (H G Q L) option and press the return key.
  • Number Type Enter C R number and press the return key.
  • Number Type the patient’s number and Return. The patient’s name and date of birth will appear, check these are correct.
  • Type L A for labels from the screen action prompts and press the return key.
  • Label Layout This will default to S T D (standard labels), press the F1 key to display list of options to select from.
  • Number of Sets - Enter 1, then press the return key.
  • Print immediately - type Y for yes, then press the return key.
  • Output To - This will depend on your location. Press the F1 key for help.
  • Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details at the bottom of the screen.
PAS Inpatient - Printing labels