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PAS Inpatient - Compiling and Printing Bed-States

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Compiling and Printing Bedstates

From the menu select PAS IP BASIC PRINTS (M P I P B) and then Bedstate Print (H I B P). The Bedside Print screen will appear.

Whole Hospital?, - Press the return key to return through each field to accept the default of N for No.

Department, – Press the return key to continue past this field.

Ward, - Type the codes of the ward for which you wish to print the Bedstate, for example Type T R S C R. Press the F1 Key for a list of ward codes.

As you enter each ward code a list will compile beneath this field.

After entering all of the relevant ward codes press return, type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details.

If for any reason you need to remove a code, before Accepting, simply re-enter the code. You will be asked ‘Remove this ward’, enter Y for Yes and the code will be removed.

Output to, - type the code of the printer from which the bedstate will print. If this is not the same as the default printer press the F1 key and select an appropriate printer.

Return through the remaining fields until you are taken back to the menu.

The bedstate will now need to be printed.

From the PAS User Utilities menu, select PAS Spoolfile (H Z S P). The screen will display all the documents waiting to be printed.

Type P and press the return key to Print from the screen action prompts.

Print Type, – Type H 3 1 and press the return key.

Printer, – Enter the printer code or press the F1 key for help.

Type P and press the return key to print all of the documents, or type S E and press the return key to select only the documents you wish to print.

After you have printed and collected your print you must go back to the PAS Spoolfile and delete your documents.

Type D E and press the return key to delete, then enter the print type of H 3 1.

Delete , - Press the F1 key and select Line 3 (Code O, - Old Documents) or Line 4 (Code S, - Select a document).

DO NOT select All or New documents, as any documents that have just been sent to the Spoolfile may not yet appear.

PAS Inpatient - Compiling and Printing Bed-States