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PAS Inpatient - Healthy Person

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Healthy Person

This option is used to record the number of relatives/friends staying with a patient. Numerous entries can be made.

  • From the PAS IP Basic menu select Inpatient Stay Movements (H I S M). Search for and select the patient, this will take you to the Inpatient Stay Movements screen.
  • Type O for Other from the screen action prompts and press the return key, then type H P for Healthy Person and again press the return key. This shows you the Healthy Persons Stay screen.
  • Occupying Bed, - This field will default to N for No. type Y for Yes and press the return key.
  • Type of Stay, - Press the F1 key and choose the appropriate option.
  • Services Provided, - This is a free text field enter information as appropriate, for example Requires Meals.
  • Start Date, - This field will default to the date the patient was admitted. Amend if required.
  • End Date, - You will NOT be able to enter a future date. When the patient is discharged this field will automatically update to the date of discharge.
  • Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details.

If you need to add an additional person or update the status of the Healthy Person, for example; they leave prior to the patient being discharged follow the steps below.

  • From the Inpatient Stay Movement screen (H I S M), type H P and press the return key.
  • Type the appropriate screen action prompt, for example N H P (New Healthy Person stay). Press the return key and complete the screen as described above.
  • Or enter the detail number on the left of the screen to select the person you wish to end their stay.
  • Press the return key to the End Date field and complete as required.
  • Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details.
PAS Inpatient - Healthy Person