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 PAS - Introduction

PAS Introduction - Alerts This is the generic email account that must be used to notify the Records Management Team of any requests for alerts. Alerts are recorded in PAS and are then pushed through to Maxims and Oceano for clinicians to see. There are a... Read More

PAS Introduction - Data quality

Good data quality is vital to ensure patient care is delivered effectively and accurately on a day to day basis throughout the NHS. Reliable data is essential for all staff involved with patient care from receptionists to clinical staff to... Read More

PAS Introduction - Disclaimer

All patient information held within this document is fictitious. No identification with actual persons is intended and any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any actual persons named within the document have given... Read More

PAS Introduction - Function keys

Listed below are the function keys along with a brief explanation of their function. PC FUNCTION F1 CODE LIST – will display the code list available for the field the cursor is in. F2 BACK TRACK – will move the cursor to the previous... Read More

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