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Strata IToCH SOP: Procedure: Transfer of Care hub management of hospital discharge referrals with a triage outcome of Pathway 3 V0.9

Procedure overview This procedure provides guidance to Integrated Transfer of Care Hubs (IToCH’s), the Independence and Wellbeing Service (IWS) receiver service and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board Continuing Healthcare (CHC)... Read More

ITOCH Standard Operating Procedure: When to Accept & Admit & using / reviewing Request for Information (RFI) and comments V1.0

1. Procedure overview This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applies to those services who receive referrals in Strata pathways to deliver care and support, following integrated Transfer of Care Hub (IToCH) triage. This SOP is supported by training... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 62