PAS Inpatient - Admission Screen

Admission Screen

Complete the Admission screen as applicable.

Method of Admission, - Select from available options within the Method of Admission, PAS Inpatient - method of admission

Source of Admission, - Select from available options within the Source of Admission, PAS Inpatient - Source of admission and Destination Codes

Enter Ay to accept

Create a Tracer, - you will be prompted to create a Tracer, enter Y for Yes.

Patient Tracer Recordings, - Displays the current Tracer Recordings, where you can view current location of notes or tracer a Temporary Folder
You will be prompted to enter Date and the remaining fields, PAS Tracering - Temporary Folders

Enter Ay to Accept the tracer then, Enter X to exit, which will return you to the Admissions screen

After tracer recording, a warning of: "Episode not currently linked to a pathway, use action PAL to make the link" will briefly appear at the bottom of the screen.

You will be prompted with "Do you wish to print a wristband", Enter Y for Yes, N for No

If you have selected Yes, the Print Requester screen will display.

Label Layout: Press the F1 key to display list of available labels

On returning to the Admission screen you still have the option to print standard LAbels.

Important: Ensure you remember to either Start or Link a Pathway, PAS Inpatient - Starting and Linking a Pathway ID

Article ID: 94
Created: April 5, 2022
Last Updated: June 19, 2024

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