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PAS Tracering - Temporary Folders

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Temporary Folders

If you are tracering or have raised a Temporary Folder the comment T F MUST be entered into the first comments field and 1 of 1 in the Number of Volumes field. Where T F is entered in the first Comments field no further entry regarding volumes is required in the second Comments field, unless there are multiple Temporary Folders in existence.

If the main notes are tracered whilst a Temporary Folder is in circulation then the comment Main Notes (M N) MUST be recorded in first comments field, until such time that the two sets of casenotes are amalgamated.

Note the comment Main Notes must only be used if the Temporary Folder is still in circulation

An example of the tracer types recorded may be:

  • Temporary Folder raised and sent to an outpatient clinic.
  • Main Notes sent to the outpatient clinic.
  • Temporary Folder and Main Notes have been amalgamated.

PAS Tracering - Temporary Folders