PAS Patient Registration - Registering In County Patients on the Referrals Index (RI)

Registering In County Patients on the Referrals Index (RI)

A thorough search of the Referrals Index must be completed to ascertain if the patient is registered. If you have not found the patient you can proceed to register the patient.

For mandatory data fields press the F1 key for Help.

Names that contain hyphens or apostrophes leave a space, for example O’Keefe must be entered as O Keefe.

The following titles should be used:



Note, - whilst checking the patient demographic details users must check the Civil status against the title field, for example if Miss is entered as a title but the Civil status is showing Married please double check this with the patient and update as required.

Type Ay to Accept the information entered

If a patient already exists on the RI with details matching those you have just entered the following message will appear:
‘A patient with these details already exists. Continue?’ Answer N. Return to the R.I Patient Details screen and search again for the patient.

Remember to enter the Religion, Ethnic Category, Occupation and Next of Kin details on the appropriate screens.

Article ID: 172
Created: April 27, 2022
Last Updated: June 19, 2024

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