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PAS Patient Registration - Quick Address System

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Quick Address System (QAS)

The Quick Address System ( Q Ay S ) allows the user to search for an address using only the postcode if necessary.
This must be used for all UK addresses to validate the correct information has been entered

Move to the Address field (data field 10) and press Ctrl+F7 to launch Q Ay S . The search string screen will appear where you can search for an address by:

  • Enter the postcode and press the return key. The street name matching the postcode will be displayed. Select the appropriate street name by entering the corresponding number, next you will be asked to select an option the house number falls into.
  • The addresses matching the postcode should be displayed. From the options displayed select the correct address and type Ay to Accept and press the return key.
  • Enter the house number and postcode, for example 6TR112PQ, and the address will be displayed. Type Ay to Accept and press the return key.
  • Enter the first line of the address comma and first letters of postcode , for example 1 Lemon Villas, T R and Return. Select the correct address and type Ay to Accept and press the return key.

If Q Ay S returns an address with only two lines, ensure you add a third line to the address. This could be Cornwall or UK etc.

If the address cannot be found using the Q Ay S , then type it directly into the address fields on the screen using the code ZZ99 3WZ for the Postcode. This is normally because the address has not yet been added to Q Ay S , for example New Build housing.

PAS Patient Registration - Quick Address System