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Strata IToCH SOP: Handling urgent phone calls v2.0

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Quick Reference Guide

Launch Strata PathWays

• Enter to access the Strata PathWays LIVE login screen.
• Login with your Strata issued username and password.
• Click on the Assessment module icon.
• Select your ITOCH from the Select a Vendor drop-down list.

Client Search (specific document available)

• Click on the Client Search tab.
• Search for the Patient you wish to refer.
• Select a Patient from the return list and click View or Import Client.
• Or click on + New Client to add a patient who does not exist in PathWays or the PDS.

Referral Form

• Click on +Start New Referral across from Transfer of Care Referral for a new patient,
• Click In Process to start a new referral for an existing patient.
• The incomplete referral form will load.
• Click on each tab to load the page.
• Complete each page, until there is a green check in all but the last tab.
• The red bannered fields are mandatory, you will not be able to continue until they are complete.

Referral Information Page

• Upon selecting the type of referral, further conditional fields and tabs will display.

Triage Page

• This page is to be completed once this referral has been sent to and accepted by the ITOCH.

Uploaded Files

• To add any documents to this referral, Click on Upload Files.
• Click on +Select Files.
• Navigate to the required document,
• Upload as many documents as necessary by clicking on +Select Files again.

Send and Manage Referrals

• Click on Send Referral(s).
• Select the appropriate ITOC Hub by clicking on the associated box.
• Click on Send Referrals.
• In the window that opens, select and attach uploaded documents and confirm your ITOCH selection by clicking on Send Referrals.
• The newly sent referral will display under the Referrals section.
• A referral can be cancelled (withdrawn) by clicking on the red X.
• A referral can be disabled (closed) on the Client Details page by clicking on the Disable button and completing the window that opens.

View Referral

• To view this referral on the ITOCH dashboard, click the View Referral icon on the far right side of the referral row.

ITOCH Dashboard

• The referral will display in a Pending status on the ITOCH dashboard.
• Action the referral as per ITOCH process.

NOTE - The second field on the Triage page asks for the Method of Referral, this is where you capture the referral was received by phone.

Logout of Pathways



Strata IToCH SOP: Handling urgent phone calls v2.0