PAS Patient Registration - Entering / Amending GP Details

Entering / Amending GP Details

Entering / Amending Cornwall & Plymouth GP Details

Main Details Screen, - Enter C 1 6 to change the GP & Prac

Entering or Amending Out of County GP Details

Main Details Screen, - Type C 1 6 and press the return key to change the GP & Prac

Entering / Amending Overseas GP Details

Main Details Screen, - Type C 1 6 and press the return key to change the GP & Prac

Not Known GP

If the patient does not know their GP or the GP is not found, type N K G P and press the return key, then complete the Emergency Contact on the Contact Details screen, PAS Patient Registration - Contact Details
Armed Forces, – Enter N K G P into the GP field unless they are stationed at R A F St Mawgan, R N A S Culdrose or H M S Drake. In this instance enter either M A W M O, C U L M O or D R A M O respectively.

Not Registered with GP

If a patient is not registered with a GP (for example private or military patient) you may enter N R G P but ONLY in this instance.


Article ID: 154
Created: April 27, 2022
Last Updated: June 17, 2024

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