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PAS Patient Registration - Contact Details

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Contact Details

This screen can be used to record the details of Next of Kin, Emergency contacts and details of the patient’s GP, PAS Patient Registration - Not Known GP
If you enter NKGP (Not Known GP) on the Patient Main Details screen ensure you complete the Emergency Contact Type with any information you do have.

N B, If the patient is 16 years of age or under this screen should also be used to record if known the details of the school the patient is currently attending, PAS Patient Registration - Recording School Details

  • From the menu select RI Patient Details (RI) and search for the patient. From the Patient Details screen type C O to select the Contacts screen.
  • To enter a new contact type N for New then press the return key.

Contact Type, - Enter the appropriate code then press the F1 key for help. Return to the Surname field and enter all of the details available , for example Relationship, address and contact number as shown below. Type Ay and press the return key.

Note: You can only accept the next of kin details from the patient. The only exceptions to this are:

  • If someone has provided evidence of Lasting Power of Attorney (Enduring Power of Attorney does not cover Health) – in this case you can accept the information from the nominated person
  • If there is no next of kin recorded and it is the patient’s spouse, a sibling, a son or daughter providing the information.

These details must then be confirmed with the patient as soon as practicable.

Please remember that if a contact is no longer relevant to the patient, remove it using the D for Delete option.


PAS Patient Registration - Contact Details