PAS BEA - Registration

NOTE: National Waiting List targets are currently set at 18 weeks. The Trust has set monthly internal waiting times in order to achieve these targets. Please ensure you check with your line manager/team leader the current target for the specialty you are booking.

From the B E A Basic menu (MPWB) select B E A Registration (HWLR) and search for the patient.

From the Patient Main Details screen type Ay and press return to Accept, this will take you to the Secondary screen then type Ay and press return to Accept again to lead you to the B E A Registration screen and complete the following data fields.

Orig Date-on-list . This is the date the clinician decided that treatment was necessary. e . g . in an Outpatient clinic.

Specialty . Enter the appropriate code. Press the F1 key for Help.

Consultant . Enter the code of the Consultant to whose list the patient is being added. Press the F1 key for Help.

List . Enter the appropriate code. Press the F1 key for Help.

Operating Surgeon . Press the F1 key for Help and select the relevant option.

Diagnosis . This is not a mandatory field but enter a diagnosis if known.

Intended Procedure . A code must be entered. Press the F1 key for Help.

Comments . Free text field – enter any relevant comments.

Urgency . Enter the appropriate code. Press the F1 key for Help.
If the urgency of "to be seen by" is entered you will be required to complete the field below.

Short Notice . This field will default to N for No. Enter Y for Yes is the patient is willing to take a short notice appointment.

Intended Management . This is a mandatory field. Press the F1 key for Help.

If you are unsure if the procedure will be performed as a Daycase or Inpatient please enter Daycase as this will attract the Best Practice Tariff. If the patient stays in over night PAS will automatically update the Intended Management to Inpatient.

Anaesthetic type . Enter the appropriate code or Press the F1 key for Help.

Booking Type .
0 , No Choice. DO NOT USE.
1 , Partial Booking System this is used when we offer a date without contacting the patient but given 3 weeks written notice.
2 , Full is used when we contact the patient by telephone, offer a choice of not less than 2 dates which may or may not be within 3 weeks.

Estimated Theatre Time . Enter if known.

Estimated Length of Stay . This is the number of nights that the patient is proposed to stay.

Once you have completed the data fields on this screen select C O to Continue from the screen action prompts to ensure that all of the details are entered.

Where Added . Not mandatory but this is where the clinician decided that the patient should receive treatment e . g . Falmouth. Can also be used to record the RTT start date for patients who have been added directly to B E A (example: DRR01012011), this will ensure these patients do not appear on the unknown starts report.

By Whom Added . This is the grade of the clinician who made the decision that treatment was required. Press the F1 key for Help.

Pre-op Assessment . Enter the date of the assessment if required or return through if not applicable.

Type of Referrer . This is a mandatory field and relates to the person who referred the patient e . g . GP or another consultant. Press the F1 key for Help.

Original Date to Admit . This is the date the patient started their wait with another provider. Enter if known and applicable.

Suitable for Op at . This is any other hospital the patient could be admitted to for their treatment e . g . St Michaels.

Admin Category . Select NHS unless this is a private patient. Press the F1 key for Help.

Date From - T for Today, Y for Yesterday or manually type date dd-mm-yyyy

POA Validity - This field will allow the following codes under F1 to be entered.
1 3 Months
2 6 Months
3 12 Months

Validity End This field will display the date calculated by adding the number of
months selected in POA Validity to the date entered in Date From.
Eg Date From 25-MAY-2023, POA Validity 3 Months gives Validity End 25-AUG-2023

Weekend suitable - This will accept Y or can be left empty.

Weekend not suitable - This will accept Y or can be left empty.

Clinically short notice suitable This will accept Y or N

ASA Grade - This will accept codes 1, 2, 3 and 4. A warning will be triggered if anything other than 1-4 is entered.

Primary POA - This will accept Y or N.

Top up POA - This will accept Y or N.

Ay to Accept. The patient is now on the Booked Elective Admissions list.

RTT You will be prompted to create a link to the appropriate RTT pathway.

To Create a New Pathway, PAS BEA - Starting a Pathway ID

To Link to an existing Pathway, PAS BEA - Linking Pathway ID

Article ID: 10
Created: February 6, 2022
Last Updated: February 19, 2024

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