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PAS Inpatient - Amend Patient Details

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Before amending any details verify the details with the patient or patient’s GP. This includes all demographic details, Name, Address, Postcode, Contact telephone number, Date of Birth, patient’s GP details i.e. name of doctor and surgery address.

Ensure that the Postcode and GP details are correct – this is for 2 reasons:

  1. To ensure that the patient and GP receive correspondence promptly.
  2. To ensure funding is obtained.
  • Search for and select the patient.
  • The line above the surname field may contain messages about the patient record, such as deceased, partial registration and special conditions/warnings. If a highlighted + sign appears next to the Special Conditions, type L and press the return key to move to the Extra Details screen where all the information will be available. If a flashing F appears in the top right hand of the screen, type F D and press the return key to view any disabilities the patient may have.
  • Typing C for Change and pressing the return key, allows you to change any of the details by moving the cursor to the first field and allowing you to work your way through the whole record.
  • You can move to a specific field by entering C followed by the field number, for example type C10 and press the return key to change the patients address.
  • Changing an address, – press the Ctl+F7 keys on the first line of the address, PAS Patient Registration - Quick Address System
  • Changing the GP details
    • Preferred Method: Enter the GP Practice code, for example L82042, then press the Enter or Return keys. select the code from list of Practice GPs displayed, PAS Patient Registration - GP Practice Codes
    • Alternative Method: Type the first 3 letters of the GP's surname and press the F1 key.
  • Select the area you wish to search for the GP in, for example for Cornwall and Plymouth areas. Press the F1 key to select a different area.
  • If the GP does not appear on the first screen type N for Next page until the correct GP and surgery are displayed.
  • Select them by entering the number to the left of the correct details.
  • Type Ay to Accept and press the return key when you have made your changes, this will save any amendments you have made.
  • If you type R J and press the return key the details are not recorded, and will be removed from the screen and replaced by the original details.
  • If you remove any details that are necessary for a full registration, the record will become a partial registration and a screen will appear indicating the missing data. The question ‘This is a Partial Registration. Do you want to proceed?’ will be displayed. If you have the missing information enter N for no and you will be taken straight to the data field requiring the information.

If an option line contains ‘Other’ it is still possible to select any valid option, for example typing S E for Secondary details, C O for Contact details, even if it is not currently displayed in the options.

PAS Inpatient - Amend Patient Details