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TAS - View my training record

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How to view my TAS training record

TAS holds your study records from the beginning of January 2023. For study completed prior to January 2023, please contact IT Training. On attending a course, filling a survey, or completing an assessment, Your training record will be available from your Profile page.


You must have attended an IT Training course, filled a survey, or successfully completed an assessment.

You must be logged into your registered and verified TAS account. If you need help logging into TAS please review the help guide TAS - How to login

Opening your User Profile

When you have logged into TAS, your name will be displayed on the top menu bar.

Click your name to display a drop list menu.

Name drop list menu

Click the User Profile option to open your TAS User Profile page.

Populated user profile

Scroll the user profile page down to your student training record.

User profile booked course

By default any future courses you have booked are displayed in the 'Booked Classroom Courses' panel.

The My Training Record will contain buttons where you can access a summary of your course attendances, course history, eLearning history and your survey history.

Each button will display the number of courses in the summary.

Viewing your course attendance

Click the Course Attendance button to open your classroom attendance history.

Course attendance button

All attended classroom courses including those delivered by Teams will be recorded on this page.

Classroom attendance history

Click the required attendance to open the Course Booking Details page.

Course attendance details

Viewing your course history

Click the Course History button to open your classroom course history.

Course history button

The Classroom Course History page contains 3 panels; Booked Classroom Courses, Course Attendance Record and Past Course History.

Classroom attendance history

Each panel contains a course summary.

Booked Classroom Courses

Click on the Booked Classroom Courses panel, this will open a summary of your booked future courses.

Booked Classroom Course summary panel

Click the required course to open the Course Booking Details to further information for your booking.

Course booking details

On this page you can opt to cancel the course.

When a course is due to be delivered over the Teams app, the Course Location will contain a link to join the course.

Booked Classroom Courses

Click on the Course Attendance Record panel, this will open a summary of your attended courses.

Course Attendance Record

Click the required course to open the Course Booking Details to view further information for your attendance.

Course Attended Details

On this page you can send a certificate to your email address.

course is due to be delivered over the Teams app, the Course Location will contain a link to join the course.

Past Course History

Click on the Past Course History panel, this will open a breakdown of your past booked courses.

Course past booking history

The history will contain a breakdown of your;

  • Attendances - courses that you have attended.
  • Cancelled - Cancellations that you have made.
  • Cancelled by CITs - Courses cancelled by CITs for example where the course has been cancelled.
  • Cancelled within 48 hours - Cancellations you have made within 48 hours of the scheduled course appointment.
  • DNA - Courses you have failed to attend.
  • Awaiting Result - Courses that are waiting for the instructor to record attendance.
  • Refused by CITs - Course bookings vetted by the training team as inappropriate for your job role.

Click the required course to open the Course Booking Details to view further information for your course.

Viewing your eLearning history

Click the eLearning History button to open your classroom attendance history.

eLearning history button

All completed assessments are recorded on the eLearning History page.eLearning history

Click the eLearning assessment course title to open the eLearning Assessment Result page.

eLearning assessment result details

On this page you can send a certificate to your email address.

Viewing your Survey History

Click the Survey History button to open a summary of your surveys.

Survey History button

All completed surveys are recorded on the Survey History page.

Survey History page

Click the survey title to open the Survey Summary page.

Survey breakdown part a

Scroll down the page to view the survey questions and answers.

Survey Breakdown part b

Scrolling to the bottom a list of all surveys you have submitted for this survey title are displayed

Survey Breakdown part c

Clicking each one listed will in turn further information for the selected submitted survey.

Please note that although TAS stores your study record, IT Training do not set-up accounts. Account creation is done by different teams.

TAS - View my training record