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Administrator Self Service – Using the Assignment Form to advise other Payroll Changes

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

There are some changes you may note on an existing CAF to Payroll that are not covered in the core Administrator Self Service functionality.

You can send information to Payroll using Administrator Self Service with the Administer Assignment (Approval required) form by updating the Change Reason and then entering the relevant information in the “Comments to Approver” free type field at the end of the form.

Click into Administer Assignment (Approval Required).

Locate the relevant employee within your hierarchy. Then enter your effective date.

Within the Assignment form, you can update the Change Reason to the relevant Reason or for anything not listed, use Payroll Change.

Click Next, update the Supervisor if required. Click Next. Update direct reports if required.

You will see the work schedule, click next.

You will see the Review form and the only change highlighted with the blue dot is the Change Reason – Payroll Change.

Then enter your information in the Comments to Approver field.

In this example, we are advising an extension to a temporary increase in hours.

When ready click Submit.

If you are an Admin SS User, your notification will flow to your Approving Manager and then Payroll.

If you are a Manager Self Service user, it will flow to Payroll.

If you need any further support with using Admin Self Service or Manager Self Service, please do contact the ESR Support Team.

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Administrator Self Service – Using the Assignment Form to advise other Payroll Changes