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Delay, Disable, Cancel and Decease functions

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

This guide is for use within the IToCH hubs who are managing referrals

Delay Disable Decease buttons


Delay is at a care type level which means it will affect all open referrals within the care type. By clicking on the Delay button, it will add a delayed flag to the referral tile ( see screenshot highlighted below).

Delay button 'pause button' highlighted on the patient card

All the referrals will remain on the dashboard and in their respective queues but the ‘Admit’ button will not be active until the patient encounter is resumed by clicking on the ‘Resume’ button which is located in the same position as the delay button.

Resume button highlighted on the patient profile screen


Disabled – Closes the care type. This includes cancelling any open referrals that have not been changed to the admit status and will blank the form (not including demographics). Screenshot below shows a disabled record.

Disabled record screenshot in the Send and Manage Referrals tab

The user is unable to send referrals and all existing referrals have been cancelled. The user would have to put the care type ‘In process’ and complete the referral form again to send any referrals.


Cancel – specific to the referral transaction itself. Cancelling a referral will keep the care type open and the form will remain populated. All other referrals will remain open, it will just cancel the selected referral. Screenshot below shows 1 referral still open for the patient and I have cancelled the referral to the CHAT team. If required, you could still send more referrals or resend a cancelled referral.

Cancelled referral status shown on the Send and referrals tab


Deceased – this will mark the patient profile as deceased. It will close all care types associated with the patient and cancel all referrals. Red flag will be displayed on the referral tile (see screenshot below)

Patient card showing the patient is marked as deceased



Delay, Disable, Cancel and Decease functions