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Strata IToCH SOP - Assigning referrals to ‘Triaged and routine onward referral’ V1.0

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

If you are responsible for triaging Strata referrals, always remember to assign your referral to 'Triaged and routine onward referral' after you have completed all steps associated with triaging a referral including:

1. Accepting the referral when you begin triage – this starts the clock and is important because referrals should be triaged within 15 minutes.
2. Reviewing the clinical profile information to ensure you have all the information you need to determine the triage outcome.
3. Raising Requests For Information with referrers.
4. Actioning referrer responses to Requests For Information.
5. Determining the triage outcome.
6. Completing the triage question set.
7. Creating your onward referrals to receiver services.
8. Then assign to 'Triaged and routine onward referral'.

If the above is consistently followed:

1. It is easy to differentiate between Green tiles with an Accept status that have and haven't been triaged. Those with a solid head on the right have been triaged. Those without, haven't.
2. You can use the Advanced search filters to select referrals that have been Unassigned (Not triaged) or assigned to 'Triaged and Routine Onward Referral', This all helps you quickly pull the records that your role requires you to look at for the day.

Strata IToCH SOP - Assigning referrals to ‘Triaged and routine onward referral’ V1.0