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TAS - Book a course for myself

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes

How to book a classroom course for myself using TAS

When booking a course, if you are not already logged in, the booking process will prompt you to log in. This guide shows this method.


You must be logged into your registered and verified TAS account. If you need help logging into TAS please review the help guide TAS - How to login

You must not already be booked for the selected course, The booking process will notify you that you are already booked and prompt you to select a new course.

Booking the course

Selecting your course

Please note that if you are sent a link to a course offering then that course will be automatically added to your basket.

Locate the course you want to book on the Courses Available page.

Available courses, with a course selected

Click the row of the course offering.

The right hand 'Detailed Information' panel will display the course details including:

  • Course - with a view course objectives link in brackets
  • Held on - date and time
  • Location - the location may be a physical location with a map link within brackets, or a training session held on Teams
  • Description - a brief description of the course

Add the course to the basket

Click the Add to Basket button. The Basket page will open displaying a summary of the course. 

Basket containing one course item

You can book single courses or multiple courses at one time. Click the Add Another button to return to the Courses Available page. To reopen the basket without adding a new course, you can click the Basket on the top menu bar.

The Courses Available page with a second course selected

Click to highlight the next course and again click the Add to Basket button. The Basket page will open this time listing a summary of each course in the basket. You can repeat this process for all courses you want to add to the basket.

Basket with 2 course items

Please note that if you leave courses in your basket for more than one hour, the basket will automatically empty. Clicking the Empty basket button will remove all courses listed in your basket. Clicking the Remove button at the end of the course summary row will remove that item.

Complete the booking

Click the Complete Booking button. It is at this point if you are not logged into TAS you will be prompted to login. If you need help logging into TAS please review the help guide TAS - How to login.

Once logged in the Booking Form page will automatically open.

Booking form for self booking

Some courses may require you to enter a reason for booking the course, these courses are provisionally booked pending vetting by the IT Training staff. Type in the reason for booking, different courses may also ask you to enter a reason for each individual course.

Booking reason

For Are you booking for: tick the Yourself box. If you are booking for a colleague, please review the help guide TAS - Book a course for a colleague.

Booking for self

For the question 'Do you have any special requirements?', Ticking 'Yes' will ask you to type in details of any special requirements.

Special Requirements

Ticking No does not ask the question.

Ticking either Yes OR No to the question 'Is your Manager aware of your request? will display your manager contact details recorded in your user profile. You can change these details.

Manager contact details

Click the Continue to book course button.

The booking confirmation

The Booking Confirmation page will be displayed listing each course booking and it's status, and a summary of your details. Email confirmations will be sent to you and a copy to your manager for each course you have booked.

Booking confirmation

Your user profile will now contain an entry for each course in the 'Booked Classroom Courses' panel of your student training record, clicking one of these entries will open your course booking details. For help cancelling a booked course please refer to the help guide TAS - Cancel my course booking

Viewing your email bookings

Open your email application, for example NHS Mail.

Email application

Your IT Training course booking emails will be displayed. A provisionally booked email will contain the word Pending in the subject. Opening the email will display the contact information specific to the course including the date, time and location.

Booking email confirmation

Once the provisionally booked course has been confirmed or denied and cancelled, you will receive an email informing you of the decision.

Before the date of the course you will also receive a booking reminder email containing a summary of your booking.

TAS - Book a course for myself