PAS Inpatient - Admission/Emergency Admission

Admission/Emergency Admission

This function will allow the user to admit a patient for an unscheduled admission, e.g. an emergency admission.

From the PAS Inpatient Basic Menu select H I P A (Admission) and search for and select the patient. Check that the patient details are correct and amend any details if required. Remember type Ay and press the return key to accept the changes.

If the patient is not registered you can register them and then proceed to admit from this option.

Type Ay and press the return key to Accept and you will be taken to the Patient Secondary Details screen. Religion and Ethnic category are mandatory fields. The cursor will be at the top of the screen, move to and complete details as required.

Consent to share with chaplaincy service?

The 'Consent to share with chaplaincy service?' will only be mandatory when admitting a patient in PAS. This field will need to be completed for every admission to ensure the patient information is up to date. Answer Y (Yes) or N (No).

Type Ay and press the return key to Accept any changes.

From the Patient Secondary Details screen select C O for Contacts and check, if entered, that the next of kin details are still current or enter the next of kin details if none already entered.

Note: If you do not enter C O for Contacts and just press Ay and press the return key to Accept. You will be taken directly to the Patient Tertiary Details screen and you then cannot access the Contact screen, PAS Patient Registration - Patient Tertiary Details

Enter GP details as an Emergency contact if these have not been entered on the patient main screen.

Type Ay and press the return key to Accept any changes.

Type Ay and press the return key again and this will take you to the admission screen, PAS Inpatient - Admission Screen

Note: If registering an Out of County or Overseas patient remember to complete the Temporary Address (T A ) before proceeding to the Patient Secondary Details screen.

Overseas patients will also need the Status List (S L) screen completed. Ensure you enter Charging Rate Not Known. Remember to ask the patient to complete a Pre-Attendance Form, Download a Microsoft Word Pre-Attendance Form, and contact the Overseas Patient Officer. Once entered return to either the Secondary (S E) or Contact (C O) screen to proceed.

If you do not enter the contact or status list screen details before admitting the patient you will need to select H I P S (Inpatient Search) from the menu, search for and select the patient and complete the missing screens from this function.

Article ID: 93
Created: April 5, 2022
Last Updated: June 19, 2024

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