PAS BEA - Why Booked Elective Admissions?

In Health Service terms, resources that are required to treat patients must be available simultaneously to allow treatment to be given. Such resources might include a consultant, operating time, nursing and anaesthetic staff and a bed for recovery.

Booked Elective Admissions thus comprises of groups of patients requiring these and other resources to be made available - in an ideal world, such a wait would never be necessary. The Booked Elective Admissions module is a computerised means by which consultants can maintain and monitor their lists. To ensure that patient care is directed where most needed as and when those resources become available.

Features and Benefits of the System

  1. It allows the easy addition of patient’s to/movement between/removal from the Booked Elective Admissions.
  2. It offers an improvement in the service to GP's and patients by way of various letters produced automatically by the system.
  3. Clerical tasks involved in Booked Elective Admissions organisation are reduced through automation.
  4. The administration of elective admissions is facilitated by prints and displays that show Booked Elective Admissions patients selected and ordered by various criteria.
  5. An automated review procedure enables the easy identification of patients waiting beyond a certain period. Letters are automatically produced for such patients.
  6. Regionally and nationally required statistical reports are produced automatically on request, as a by-product of everyday operation.
  7. A direct link with the Referrals Index means that the demographic details may be updated from any PAS Module.
  8. A direct link with the Inpatient module means that patients' admissions may be pre-documented by the Booked Elective Admissions system, reducing clerical time and human error.

Article ID: 9
Created: February 6, 2022
Last Updated: June 11, 2024

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