PAS Introduction - Function keys

Listed below are the function keys along with a brief explanation of their function.

F1 CODE LIST – will display the code list available for the field the cursor is in.
F2 BACK TRACK – will move the cursor to the previous field.
F3 MENU – will return the user to their previous menu screen. REMEMBER TO ACCEPT ANY CHANGES BEFORE USING THIS
F4 Log Off – will exit the user from PAS.
Do not log off if your screen is currently displaying patient details, F3 to return to your menu then F4 to log off
Enter or Return Both keys perform the same function. After any information has been keyed in one of these keys must be pressed for the action to take place.
Backspace This key will delete the last character the user keyed in.
Print Screen PRINT SCREEN – Allows the user to print the screen.
Ctrl F1, X or F11 EXIT – all of these are used to exit the user from fields within PAS (depending on screen)
Ctrl F2 Page Up – If no prompt P U is available these keys will move the screen up
Ctrl F3 Page Down – If no prompt P D is available these keys will move the screen down
Ctrl F6 More Info - The + sign to the left or right of the record indicates more information.
Ctrl F7 Q A S- This will open the Quick Address System window
End or Spacebar This key will remove all data from the current field the cursor is in.
Page Down
or Page Up
View the next / previous screen, provided further screens are available, for example the Clinic Session.

Article ID: 38
Created: April 4, 2022
Last Updated: January 3, 2024

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