How ITOCH Use Comments in Strata PathWays V0.1

Section 1 – Comments Overview

Comments can be added against an individual referral or on a group basis, by using the group comment button.

The TOC referral and the receiver service referral(s) are separate and independent referrals. Only the sender and receiver of a specific referral can see a comment. However, the group comment button can be used as a short cut to allow a user to add a comment to both the TOC referral and the receiver service referral(s) simultaneously. Therefore, it is important to be aware of who a comment is intended for and to add it to the appropriate referral(s).

Example: If the ITOCH adds a comment to the TOC referral, only the referrer will see that comment. Once the ITOCH have triaged a referral and it is sent to a receiver service(s), the ITOCH is able to add a comment to a receiver service referral individually or as a group comment, allowing more than one receiver service to see it.

Note: If a referrer adds a comment to the TOC referral (or vice versa), the receiver service will not see it. It will be up to the ITOCH to communicate the comment to the receiver, if relevant.

*Assessment Module = Send & Manage Referrals Tab and Active Referrals Dashboard.

Section 2 – Adding Comments

Comments added on the Comments tab of the ITOCH dashboard, are visible between the ITOCH and the referrer only.

If a comment is intended for a receiver service it must be made on the Send and Manage Referrals tab or the Active Referrals Dashboard.

A view of all referrals and their comments (referrers, ITOCHs, receivers) is visible from the Active Referrals Dashboard within the Assessment Module.

This section will review the three ways in which ITOCH can add and review comments against a referral(s).
1) From the Comments tab.
2) From the Send and Manage Referrals tab.
3) From the Active Referrals Dashboard.

Comments Tab

Note - Comments added to the Comments tab, are visible by the referrer only.

1. Enter the Service Provider module and select a Vendor to act on behalf of.
2. To add a comment, open the referral and click on the Comments tab.

  1. Click on the + Add Comments button

2. Type your comment in the window that opens, then Click +Add.

3. The comment will be added to the list of comments and display in date/time order.

Send and Manage Referrals Tab

Note - Comments on the Send and Manage tab can be made to individual receiver services OR as a group to include all the receiver services.

Individual Comments

1. Comments can be added within the referral, on the Send and Manage Referrals tab, by using the Edit Client function.
2. To do so, open the referral and click on the Edit Client button.

3. Then click on Send and Manage Referrals.

4. This takes you to the Send and Manage Referrals tab within the referral.
5. To send a comment to a specific receiver service, click on the speech bubble icon in line with that receiver service’s referral.

6. Add your comment to the window that opens and click +Add comment.

7. The comment will become visible to the Receiver service and the speech bubble will turn opaque.

Group Comments

1. To add a comment to multiple referrals at the same time, click on the group +Add Comments button above the Send Referrals button.

2. Add your comment to the text box in the window that opens.

3. Then put a tick in the box across from the referrals, under the Destination Service Provider, according to who you want to have visibility of our comment.

Note - By including the ITOCH in the group comment, this comment will display on the ITOCH Referrals dashboard.

Active Referrals Dashboard

Note – Comments by all teams (referrers, ITOCH, receivers) are visible on the Active Referrals Dashboard.

  1. In order for patients to display on the ITOCH Active Referrals Dashboard (Assessment Module), the ITOCH must first change the Referral Owner on the Client Details tab within the referral.
  2.  This is done by opening the referral and clicking on the Edit Client button.

3. Click on Client Details.

4. Scroll down the page to the Service Provider field and delete the location that is listed.

5. Begin to type the name of your ITOCH, the system will display possible options for you to select. Select your ITOCH by clicking on the name.

6. Click Save.

7. To view this referral on the Active Referrals Dashboard, click on Dashboard on the top right of the screen, then click on Assessment Dashboard from the drop-down list.

8. The Active Referrals Dashboard will load.

9. To add a comment to a specific referral, click on the speech bubble associated with a referral, under the Referrals column.

10. Add your comment in the window that opens. Then click +Add Comment.

11. The speech bubble will turn opaque once a comment has been added.
12. To return to the ITOCH dashboard, click on the Switch to button on the top right hand side of the screen, select Service Provider.

13. Then select your Vendor.

Section 3 – Reviewing Comments

Note: If a referrer adds a comment to the TOC referral, the receiver service will not see it. It will be up to the ITOCH to communicate the comment to the receiver, if relevant.

ITOCH Referrals Dashboard


  1. To view the comment, open the referral.
  2. Click on the Comments tab.

3. A comment will display with the name of the person who sent it and a date and time stamp.

4. Once you have reviewed the comment, mark that you have done so by clicking on the blue Reviewed button.

Send and Manage Referrals Tab

Note – Comments from Receivers will only display in the speech bubble associated with their referral.

1. From the referral form, the speech bubble will be denoted with a number to indicate the number of comments added by others which are waiting for your review.

2. Click on the speech bubble to review the comment. Once you have reviewed a comment made by another team member, the number against the speech bubble will disappear.

Active Referrals Dashboard

Note – Comments from Receivers will only display in the speech bubble associated with their referral.

1. When viewing comments from the Active Referrals Dashboard, they will display under the Referral column.
2. When a comment is added to a referral, by someone other than yourself, the speech bubble will denote with a number.

3. To review the comment, click on the speech bubble icon.
4. Comments will be listed in date order with the name of who sent it clearly labelled.

5. Once a comment has been read the number denoting the comment will disappear.

Article ID: 372
Created: September 4, 2023
Last Updated: December 7, 2023

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