CIOS ITOCH Dashboard - How to change Referral Priority V1.0

A patient’s referral priority (referral type) can be changed from the Referrals
dashboard in the Service Provider module.

To do this, open the referral by clicking on the tile.

Click on the Details tab.

Click on the blue text describing the referral priority.

In the window that opens, click on the drop-down arrow across from Override Current Priority.

Change the current priority by selecting a new priority from the list displayed. Use the scroll bar to view the complete list.

It is mandatory to add an Override Comment.

Then click Save.

The referral priority has been changed as indicated on the Details tab.The new priority will also display on the referral tile and will be filtered

Article ID: 352
Created: July 3, 2023
Last Updated: August 25, 2023

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