PAS BEA - Admissions List

The Admission List print will show all admissions to the selected Consultant for a chosen period.

Select Admissions List (H W A D) from the B E A Prints menu.

Consultant , Enter the appropriate consultant code or press F1 for Help.

Start Date , You may put any past date in the start field.

End Date , This can be any past date as long as it is on or after the Start date.

Type Ay and press return to Accept. You will then need to send this to print via the PAS Spoolfile.

Output to , Enter the relevant printer or press F1 for Help.

Simply return through the following data fields until the system takes you back to the menu. The print will now sit on the PAS Spoolfile until you request it to print , PAS BEA - Printing from the PAS Spoolfile

Article ID: 32
Created: February 6, 2022
Last Updated: June 11, 2024

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