PAS BEA - BEA Display

This function will allow you to view a list of patients who are waiting on the B E A for a particular consultant. From here you can select a patient and amend the B E A registration screen and allocate a TCI.

Select B E A Display (HWLD) from the menu.

Consultant , Enter the consultant code if known. Alternatively enter the first 3 letters of the consultant surname and press F1 for Help.

Specialty , This will default to the appropriate code. However if the consultant has more than one specialty use F1 and select the appropriate specialty.

List Code . If you want to view all of the lists simply return through this field and it will default to All Lists. However if you wish to view a particular list enter the appropriate code or use F1 and select from the options available to you.

Order by , There are 3 options.

Ay , Alphabetically.

C, Chronologically.

N, Number.

Select the view you would like.

To view the list in its’ entirety enter L D (List Display), return and the next screen will display the B E A list requested.

If you need to streamline the list you view, e . g . if you only wanted to view the Routine patients that are able to accept a short notice cancellation select FC (Further Criteria) and complete the relevant data fields.

Type Ay and press return to Accept and the next screen will display the B E A list requested.

The screen will contain the patient name, unit number, e . g . CR, sex, date of birth, urgency, date on list (D o L), to be seen by/review by date and procedure. There are also a number of other columns, which are described below.

D N , This is the number of times the patient has DNA’d a date to come in.

C H , Cancelled by hospital.

C P , Cancelled by patient.

S N , If the patient is able to accept a short notice cancellation.

D F , Deferred List – No longer used.

P O A , Pre Op Assessment – Y indicates that this is required.

>>> , More information is available. Ctrl + F6 to view patients contact number.

Article ID: 26
Created: February 6, 2022
Last Updated: June 11, 2024

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