
This guide covers general navigation of the system. Other guides provide details specific to the topic. 

Some elements of the system are only available to web portal users and not launch-in-context users. This is indicated in each section below. 

General Navigation 

The following icons are used throughout the application. 




Collapse Menu 


Expand/Collapse sub menu or section 








Full Window 


Select View Mode 




Configure Document Tree 



 Hovering over any sub menu item in Bold will display an ALT box with a summary of the information available from within that option. Clicking on any item in Bold text will display the details available from within that section. 

Items viewed will switch from Bold to Normal text to indicate that these have been read. It is also possible to mark items as read or unread by using the Mark As option at the bottom of the ALT boxes. 


Logged in user 

The Account Information and Settings area in the top right-hand side of the screen shows the username of the user currently logged in and the Logout button. 

A Last Logged In notification displays the date and time that a user last logged into the DCCR. This is a brief notification that only displays for a few seconds on log in. 


Portal Home Screen 

The portal home screen shown below allows access to worklists (see worklists guide for information about how to set up worklists), recently accessed patients/clients, the patients/clients seen in the last 7 days and those that were seen within the last 4 weeks. 

This screen also allows for searching for a patient (see the patient demographic guide for details on searching for a patient). 

The messaging item allows contact to the DCCR support team if there is a problem with the system or there is an anomaly with the data. This cannot be used to message colleagues. 


Image showing Portal home screen 


Patient Summary Screen 

The patient summary screen below is displayed when a patient is selected from the portal home screen OR a user has accessed the DCCR via Launch in Context. 

The banner displays a summary of the patient demographic for identification purposes. This can be expanded to include additional details by using the Expand icon. There is also a menu item on the left side of the screen to view the full demographic details (see the patient demographic guide for full details). 

The left of the screen is the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) menu, and the main part of the screen shows various dashboard panels which provide an at-a-glance view of information. The actual items shown in both the CDV menu and the dashboard panels may vary between patients/clients depending on the information that the DCCR has for a particular patient/client and an absence of data does not necessarily mean that there is no data anywhere, but rather that if there is it has not been shared with the DCCR. Within the dashboard panels this is indicated by the term ‘Under Development’ with the intention that over time all organisations will share data with the DCCR and the information gaps filled. 

Image showing patient summary screen