PAS Patient Registration - National Health Service Hospital charges to overseas visitors

National Health Service Hospital charges to overseas visitors

The overseas team contact telephone numbers are: 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5, 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 7 or 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 9 6 3. Alternatively you can email the overseas team using the email address:

Overseas Visitors Status

The following is an outline of the procedures and regulations for handling Overseas Visitors. Advice should be sought from the designated officer for clarification of any points.

Trust Summary,
The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust is responsible for raising charges for hospital treatment given to overseas visitors to the United Kingdom, who are liable under the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 1 9 8 9 (as amended).

Designated Officer,
The Trust has a designated person who has the responsibility for deciding when an Overseas Visitors is liable for charges for their treatment, and arranging for any consequent bills to be raised. This person is the Private Patients and Overseas Visitors Officer and can be contacted on 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5.

Aim of the NHS in relation to Overseas Visitors.
The services of the NHS are intended for people resident in the UK regardless of nationality or origin or the previous payment of NI contributions or tax.

People from a number of other countries are entitled, under either EU Regulations or reciprocal/bilateral agreements, to use the NHS on the same terms as people living in the UK, when their need for treatment arises during a visit to the UK. Overseas Visitors from all other countries who use the facilities of NHS hospitals will be liable to pay for treatment, unless they are exempt for another reason (see para 6).

Definition of Overseas Visitor,
An overseas visitor is someone not ordinarily resident in the UK.

Registration of Overseas Visitor,
All overseas visitors must be registered on PAS with their permanent address showing their full home address (i.e. the address abroad) and the temporary address showing their address in the UK where they are staying (or name of the boat if brought in from offshore).

Services and Treatment Exempt from Charge,

Charges for Overseas Visitors,
Overseas Visitors who are liable for charges are billed at the rates listed in the Overseas Visitors Tariff. Contact the Private Patient and Overseas Visitors Officer for details of the charges.

Admission of Overseas Inpatients,
On admission to a ward, all patients should be asked whether they have been in the UK for more than 12 months. If the answer to this question is No, then please inform the designated officer (0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5) who will come and ask the patient questions to determine whether or not they are liable to pay. If they are liable, the patient will be asked to sign the Agreement to Pay form, although in fact the patient is liable to pay whether or not they sign this form. Payment should be obtained from the patient before he/she is discharged whenever possible, or full details of the insurance cover.

It is the responsibility of the designated officer to ensure the patient is able to pay for the treatment proposed before it is undertaken, except in life threatening conditions when treatment should continue even though no guarantee of payment can be made. In these circumstances, such treatment should be provided as is clinically required to stabilise the patient to allow them to return to their own country. This should not normally include routine treatment unless required to prevent a life threatening situation. The decision as to whether such emergency treatment should take place will be based on clinical judgement, and justification for this decision will be recorded in the clinical notes.

Admission of Overseas Outpatients,
When a patient is referred for an outpatient appointment who is an Overseas Visitor, please inform the designated officer (0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5) as soon as possible and he/she will come and ask the patient questions to determine whether or not they are liable to pay. If they are liable, the patient will be asked to sign the Agreement to Pay form, although in fact the patient is liable to pay whether or not they sign this form. We always endeavour to obtain money from the patient before he/she leaves the hospital, or full details of the insurance cover.

Private Overseas Patients,
Overseas Visitors may request to be treated as Private Patients and they are then treated administratively as any other Private Patient. Contact the Private Patient Officer (0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5).

Interpretation Facilities,
The Trust has an arrangement with a professional organisation called Language Line, which offers interpretation over the telephone in over 100 languages. Information on how to access this service is available from:-

If you require more information on Language Line, please contact Information Link on or the Private Patient Officer on 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5.

We also have access to the database of interpreters registered with Social Services. Ring 0 1 8 7 2 2 5 2 2 4 5 for more details.

Obtaining Payment,
It is the duty of the designated officer to obtain payment or adequate details of the patient’s insurance cover. This person will contact the insurance company when applicable to verify the cover if there is any doubt, and ask for confirmation in writing. Information will be sent to the Exchequer Department when the patient has been discharged for the invoice to be raised.

Obtaining Reimbursement for Exempt Overseas Patients,
Hospital service providers are reimbursed for treatment given to patients from overseas who are exempt from charges. It is the responsibility of the Finance Department to administer this.

Reference Documents,

Interpreters intranet page:

Overseas Intranet page:

DH Policy:

Non Health Record Forms And Letters:

Article ID: 159
Created: April 27, 2022
Last Updated: June 11, 2024

Online URL: