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PAS Enquiry - PAS User Utilities

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

PAS IP/OP/Pathology Results Enquiry Menu

After logging into CORE select the PAS IP/OP/Pathology Results Enquiry option and the Enquiry menu will appear.

PAS User Utilities

The main facilities used from this function are:

Swap Organisation. - If you require to view in depth, outpatient or inpatient episodes held in a different hospital select the appropriate hospital from this option by number or code. For example, type F A for Falmouth and press Ay and press the return key to accept your selection.

Change Password. - You will be required to enter your old password and then enter the new password twice to verify it.

Change Printer Group. - Allows you to select a new printer group.

Multi-Patient labels. - Allows you to print labels for more than one patient.

Free Form Labels (No longer used).

Quick labels and letter prints. - Used to print patient I D labels, open the PAS Inpatient - Printing labels page for more information.

PAS Enquiry - PAS User Utilities