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Windows Login Guide

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Guide to Logging in on a Trust Computer

Logging In

Once you have turned on your PC you will be presented with the 'Login to Windows' screen.

Login screen with empty fields.

Please type your ICT username and then type in your password.

If you do not know these then please call the IT Support Desk on 01209 88 1717 and ask for your computer login details.

If this is your first time logging in you will need to change your password.

Click the OK button.

Login screen with full fields.

Changing your Password

On your very first password you will be prompted to change your password automatically so will not see this option.

You will be prompted to change your password about every 90 days. To do this hold your Control (Ctrl) keyboard button down as well as the Alt button and then tap the Delete key.

The Identification and Authentication menu is displayed, select the 'Change a password' option.

Change password menu.

To change your password please enter your current password first (Old Password) and then press the Tab key on your keyboard, or click to the next field with your mouse

Type in your new password, your password must be 8 or more characters long. It must contain a mix of three out of the following four character types:

  • Uppercase letters (A to Z)
  • Lowercase letters (a to z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Symbols (!"£$%^&*)

It must also not match any of your last 4 passwords. Retype your new password in the Confirm password box.

Change password screen.

Locking your Computer

Every time your leave your PC you must lock the screen to prevent someone else using it under your name.
You will be held responsible for any activity under your username.

To do this quickly on your keyboard hold down the windows key and tap the letter L to lock the screen.

Windows symbol. + L = lock screen

When the screen is locked you will see this screen with your username at the bottom.

Locked screen with login.

If you work in an area where lots of people may use your computer you may find other usernames are here as well.

Logged in usernames.

Unlocking your Computer

To unlock your Computer click your Name at the bottom of the screen and it will enter your username for you.

Then type in your password. The computer will return to the screen you left it on.

Unlocking the screen.

When you have finished with the computer for the day please shut it down.

Click on the windows icon, bottom left of the screen, and click the Shut down option.

Windows menu shut down option.

Shutting down your computer

If someone else is still logged into the computer you will get a warning message stating 'Someone else is still using this PC. If you shut down now, they could lose unsaved work'.

Should you still wish to log off, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press Delete and select the Sign Out option. This will close your session but leave the other person logged in.

Shut down anyway.
Windows Login Guide