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E3 - Neonatal Record and Birth Registration

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E3 Maternity System

Neonatal Record and Birth Registration

Once Baby has been delivered a record of the birth is created so that the details of Baby examination, postnatal transfer, contacts and discharge from care can be recorded. The baby will be automatically registered on PAS and a CR number generated when the Birth questionnaire has been completed. This will also generate the New NHS number which will be added to the PAS baby record.

New-born Baby examination will still be recorded on NIPE.

Once the Pre delivery questionnaire has been completed the baby folder will appear. Complete the Birth questionnaire for each baby delivered once the Labour and Delivery questionnaire has been completed.

Fast Track Registration is ONLY used in delivery suite if Baby goes to the Neonatal ward. To fast track the registration, right click on the baby folder to create the fast track questionnaire. You will still have to admit the Baby in PAS. Remember to use the newly created hospital number for baby for their admission by searching PAS for the new number.

When you have completed the Birth questionnaire you will see the PDS Data Submission screen. Ensure you have all green ticks before you start the baby registration process otherwise the process will fail. If the GP details are missing these need to be added in PAS on the mothers’ record.

Click on the Submit button to generate New NHS number, this will open the baby registration screen via the Birth questionnaire. Complete the Ethnic Origin field via the drop down box and save.

This will start the process of requesting and registering Baby’s New NHS number within E3 and the baby record on PAS.

When the NHS number has been generated you will see the number in the Request Baby Number box.

Once the NHS number has been generated the baby registration details box will appear containing the babys’ CR number.

You will also see the Processing box containing the result that the process in complete. Click Continue to close this box.

If the baby registration fails please call the IT helpdesk on 01209 881717

If the Mother does not have an NHS number the validation will fail, select the cancel option, this will take you to the next screen. The process will now be the same as above.

E3 - Neonatal Record and Birth Registration