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E3 - Icon Definitions

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

E3 Maternity System

Icon Definitions

These icons are visible within the patient record overview screen.

They are populated by PAS and the completion of the E3 Euroking questionnaires. Additional information can be added via these icons. You must remember to save the information added to the individual icons by clicking on the disk icon.

Do not complete the below icon functions prior to the completion of the questionnaires.

  • Demographics icon Demographics , – populated from PAS
  • General Details icon General Details, – populated from PAS and from the questionnaires
  • Next of Kin icon Next of Kin, – populated from PAS and should only be amended on PAS
  • Partner details icon Partner details, – added when completing the Mother’s booking
  • Father of the baby details icon Father of the baby details, – for use when the father is different to the partner
  • Pregnancy overview icon Pregnancy overview, – a record of prominent dates, intended place of delivery and the type of antenatal care the mother is receiving
  • Pregnancy Screening icon Pregnancy Screening, – a quick view of the booking results and results at 28 weeks. Diagnostic test and results can be added here as the pregnancy progresses
  • Care Professionals Tab icon Care Professionals Tab, – populated from PAS and at the time of booking
  • Babies icon Babies , – links to the Neonatal record once the birth is recorded
  • Pregnancy Notes icon Pregnancy Notes, – for adding notes to this pregnancy. Icon will turn orange when notes are present
  • CTG icon C T G, – This option is greyed out and is currently disabled
  • Close Pregnancy icon Close Pregnancy, – used when a pregnancy has ended unexpectedly
  • Add Alerts icon Add Alerts, – to add any additional alerts during the pregnancy
  • Add Risks icon Add Risks, – to add any additional risks during the pregnancy
  • Patient Notes icon Patient Notes, – to add notes to the patient’s record and are fully audited. The icon is underlined when populated
  • Save icon Save
E3 - Icon Definitions