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E3 - Blood Spot labels

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

E3 Maternity System

Blood Spot labels

Blood Spot labels will be printed from E3. Once you have completed the Birth questionnaire and registration process you will be asked which documents to print, including the blood spot labels. Print the ‘Baby Labels Layout document’.

If you need to go back later and reprint or regenerate the labels you can do this two ways.

1. Go back to the Birth questionnaire and save the last question again which will prompt the process as above. Select No to printing all other documents and Yes to Print Baby Labels Layout document.


2. Once the labels are created you can then reprint them via the Menu option – Click on Patient and select Regenerate Reports from the drop down list.

Regenerate Reports

Once selected the regenerate reports menu will open, select blood spot labels from the baby folder by left clicking once. To preview the bloodspot labels select the Regenerate Report button, labels will be previewed on the right side of the screen.

Blood spot labels

Select the Regenerate Report button

To print the labels select the Regenerate and Print button, amending the number of copies to print as required.

E3 - Blood Spot labels