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E3 - Antenatal Admissions and Discharges

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

E3 Maternity System

Antenatal Admissions and Discharges

To add an Antenatal admission, click on the + next to the Antenatal Admission folder.

The Admission screen.

An Admission questionnaire will appear in the folder, double click on the admission questionnaire and complete.

The Add Admission button.

Once the questionnaire has been completed the admission date, time and ward will be displayed, the green tick indicates the questionnaire has been fully completed.

To add an Antenatal Discharge click on the + on the left of the relevant admission the discharge questionnaire will be displayed, double click on the discharge questionnaire and complete.

The Discharge questionnaire.

Once the discharge questionnaire has been completed the print box will appear to allow the Antenatal Discharge to be printed.

The Print box.

As the system will only create the first admission questionnaire automatically, any further admission questionnaires will need to be created manually. To add additional Admissions right click on the yellow Antenatal Admissions folder and click on Add Admission.

The Add Admission button to add additional Admissions.

An additional Admission questionnaire will appear in the folder, complete as above.

Remember all Antenatal Admissions and Discharges MUST be entered on PAS.

E3 - Antenatal Admissions and Discharges