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E3 - Adding viewpoint scans

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

E3 Maternity System

Adding viewpoint scans

Viewpoint scans

Now we are live with E3 Euroking, we can pull Viewpoint scans into the E3 timeline. When you log into E3, a new pop up screen may appear. This screen will allow you to bring in the Viewpoint scan measurements PDF into the timeline in E3. The PDF will appear at the bottom of the patient record.

Receive Viewpoint Reports screen.

Use the Selected tick boxes to add the reports you wish to be added and viewable in E3, then use the assignment icon The assignment icon. to then add them to E3.

When you have added the reports, they can be viewed in the patient timeline in E3.

The E3 Patient Timeline

E3 - Adding viewpoint scans