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DMWM - Standard Operating Procedure for Outsourcing of Clinical Correspondence

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Dragon Medical Workflow Manager

Standard Operating Procedure for Outsourcing of Clinical Correspondence

  1. Identify a need

    The use of outsourcing for clinical correspondence typing is currently used by specialities with typing backlogs. A speciality can be considered to have an overly large backlog either due to the number of documents waiting typing or the length of time they have been waiting.
  2. Notify PreScribe

    Once a speciality has chosen to use PreScribe, the coordinating employee will notify PreScribe of their intended use of the service.
  3. Send required information

    The speciality will then send the coordinating employee the following information:
    1. List of consultants within speciality
    2. Two sample letters with PID removed
  4. Set up outsourcing

    Once PreScribe have agreed, CITS will then add an outsourcing queue to the specialties Winscribe typing security permissions. The Winscribe user in this specialty will then see this option accordingly.
  5. Outsourcing to PreScribe

    The allocating Winscribe user from the speciality will outsource to PreScribe using the criteria they have chosen. It is recommended that in order for services to meet the 7 day contractual standard for transmission of clinic correspondence to GPs; jobs will automatically be outsourced when they have waited typing for 4 days. This will allow time for Prescribe to return the completed letters within the 7 day period. To ensure Prescribe meet their 48 hour KPI for completed correspondence, each speciality should inform them of an estimated expected volume on a week by week basis.
    1. Allocate to Prescribe

      To Outsource to PreScribe, right click and select the Outsource option from the list.
      The outsource symbol appears next to the job to indicate that the job has been outsourced.
    2. Review outsourced documents

      The job will then be added to the list of outsourced jobs on the Winscribe home page.
      The forward arrow in the status column indicates that the job has been sent to Winscribe. Please note that this will not change when the job has been completed. A chosen member of staff will need to view the letter prior to sending.
      Review outsoursed documents.
      Once the job has been completed it can be checked by the admin staff or the clinician if necessary and sent to the recipient.
      RCHT Secretaries should continue to read Author comments of outsourced letters in the comments column as there may be actions in them which are pertinent to that job or patient.
    3. Copy across to Maxims

      The completed letter should then be added to the Patient's Maxims file using the steps outlined in the document titled SOP Prescribe to Maxims Process.
      Print to maxims.
DMWM - Standard Operating Procedure for Outsourcing of Clinical Correspondence