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DMWM - Dictation Guide - Desktop

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Dragon Medical Workflow Manager

Dictation Guide - Desktop.

Device Calibration or Recalibration

When using Dragon on a computer for the first time, you will be asked to calibrate your tethered dictation device. This analyses your voice and then the background noise levels in order to achieve the best recording and speech recognition.

If you find after a period of time that your dictation device is not recognising your voice as well as previously, you can try recalibrating. Changes in the background noise can affect the quality of the recording and the system’s ability to recognise your voice, and recalibrating can mitigate this.

Within Dragon, click the ‘Settings’ button and under the ‘Audio’ tab, click ‘Recalibrate’.

Number 1.

You will be informed that recalibration will take place the next time you log in. Click ‘ok’ and then the ‘Apply to Me’ button in the settings box.

Tips for Accurate Speech Recognition

  • Dragon's speech recognition engine will attempt to understand and transcribe everything it hears. You should therefore avoid saying anything that you do not wish to appear in the body of your letter.
  • Use the comments function if you need to add a message to the secretary at the end of your letter.
  • Try to remain silent during pauses in your speech while you think. The speech recognition engine will try to transcribe ums and ahs or think that these are parts of words, which can limit the success of your dictation and the building of an accurate voice profile.
  • Always have in mind that the speech recognition software is learning from any corrections you or the secretary makes to any speech recognised text.
  • The system cannot add or correct grammar, so you will need to dictate all punctuation and speak in complete sentences or at least full phrases. Think about what you want to say before recording to help with this.
  • Speaking in full sentences also aids the predictive element of speech recognition. The recognition engine can make assumptions about a word it may have struggled to recognise based on the context, and can also determine which version of their/there/they’re or to/too/two to use.
  • Where possible, try to dictate in a quiet place or where any background noise remains fairly consistent.
  • The speech recognition engine works best with a natural, measured speaking voice. Try to speak normally, with regular speed, volume and intonation. Sitting, rather than pacing, and maintaining good posture also helps to regulate your breathing.
  • Holding your microphone below your mouth should allow for the best capture of your speech without your breathing causing any interference.


Voice Commands

Common Punctuation Marks:

For Say
. "Full stop"
, "Comma"
? "Question mark"
: "Colon"
's "Apostrophe s"
/ "Slash"
% "Per cent sign"

Common Formatting Comments:

For Say
Paragraph "New line, new line" repeat the command twice
Tab "Tab key"

In addition to basic instructions such as adding punctuation or starting a new paragraph in a letter, voice commands can be used for other functions within Dragon.

In order for these to be recognised, the red ‘recording’ border must be displayed around the open job in the job screen.

DMWM - Dictation Guide - Desktop