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PAS Introduction - Where do I find?

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Below is a list of screens within PAS and the information held on that screen. Enter the highlighted characters to move to the required screen.

M Ay Main Patient Details Surname, Forename, Other Surname, Date of Birth/Age, Sex, Title, Civil Status, Current Address, Telephone Numbers, GP, CR Number New NHS Number and other numbers the patient may be allocated.
T A y Temporary Address This window is used for entering the temporary address of the patient. You will be prompted to enter which address correspondence should be sent.
S E Secondary Details Place of Birth, Religion and consent to share with chaplaincy service, Ethnic Cat, Work Phone Number, Occupation, Allergies and Special Conditions/Warnings.
Only the latest allergy will be shown, to view the other allergies see the Extra Details Screen.
Important: DO NOT add allergies. Allergies are recorded and pulled from J Ay C into PAS.
C U Communication Add email address and mobile phone number, this is accessed via the M Ay Main and S E Secondary screens.
T E Tertiary Details Used to record confidential information given by the patient on the completed Data Collection form, this is accessed via the M Ay Main and S E Secondary screens.
F D Further Details Enter Patient Disability, this is accessed via the M Ay Main and S E Secondary screens.
C O Contacts Next of Kin, Chief Carer, Emergency and School details for children
Ay D Addresses Lists both the current, previous and temporary address and the dates applicable.
L Extra Details Information that is entered on the SEcondary Details screen e.g. Occupation, Ethnic Group etc. can be viewed here. Information can also be entered, amended and deleted from here if required.
Only those with an appropriate level of access can add, amend and delete Alerts.
N Ay Names Lists both correct and incorrect names the patient has been known by.
N U Numbers Lists all the patient’s numbers that have been allocated to them.
D N Death Notification Notifies the system of a patient’s death and shows which modules will be affected by the notification.
G P GPs etc List Shows the patients current GP and Dentist and any previous practitioners they may have been registered with and the dates.
M L Module Usage List Lists the modules that the patient is recorded against.
S L Status List This screen contains information relating to whether or not the patient is exempt from paying for their treatment.
PAS Introduction - Where do I find?