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DCCR - Dashboard Panels

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes


This guide covers the general use of Dashboard panels and applies to both Portal and Launch in Context users. Further detail is available on Alerts and Hazards, Events and Appointments and Documents. Please refer to the appropriate guide. 

Dashboard Panel general information 

The Summary Screen for the DCCR displays several dashboard panel ‘tiles’ for an ‘at a glance’ view of key information with rapid access to further detail.  

The number of tiles shown are fixed, but the content within the panels will vary according to the data that is available. For this reason, some panels may have no information. A lack of information does not necessarily mean that information does not exist somewhere, but rather if it does the organisation that holds the data is not sharing with the DCCR. 

Currently dashboard panels are available for: 

  • Alerts and Hazards 

  • Care Plans 

  • Events and Appointments 

  • Documents 

  • Medicines 

  • Allergies 


Further dashboard panels may be added in the future. 

Note that some, but not all, information that can be found in dashboard panels is also available from the Clinical Document Viewer. See also the Clinical Document Viewer guide. 

Additional information on the Events and Appointments panel can be found it the Events and Appointments document. There is also further information about the Medicines Viewer in a separate document. 


The controls in the summary screen provide the ability to expand and collapse all of the panels and switch between Comfortable and Compact view (the latter removes organisation details). 

Image of the controls available for the dashboard panel window 


Within each panel there are options to expand and collapse that panel, switch between Comfortable and Compact View for that panel (using the three ellipses) and switch to a Table view (using the two-headed arrow). 

Some panels also have filters in the headings to allow the panel to be focussed on a specific care setting. 

Items in the panel are shown in reverse date order with a heavier line between years. 

Image of a segments of the Events and Appointments dashboard panel 


The information can be expanded by clicking on the down-arrow on the right-hand side of an event within the tile itself. 

Image of individual item expended using the expand icon 


Opening source documents 

Some, but not all, source documents can be opened directly from a panel. Hovering over a document that can be opened will change the cursor from an arrow into a hand. Clicking on this will open the source document in the main window. To return to the dashboard slick on he Summary tab below the demographic banner. 

DCCR - Dashboard Panels