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DCCR - Clinical Document Viewer

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes


This guide covers the overarching use of the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) and applies to both Portal and Launch in Context users.  

CDV general information 

The CDV is where most of the information held for a patient or client can be found. 

The actual information held will vary according to the organisations that have a relationship with a patient/client and are submitting information to the DCCR. The following data may be found in this area: 

  • GP Records (from TPP SystmOne and EMIS) 

  • Acute hospital discharge summaries 

  • Echocardiogram reports 

  • Hospice Records (from TPP SystmOne) 

  • Livewell community data (from TPP SystmOne) 

  • Devon Partnership Trust data (from TPP SystmOne) 

  • Children’s Services data (from TPP SystmOne) 

  • Talkworks/IAPTUS mental health data (IAPTUS via the MIG) 

  • Care Plans 

Additional items will be added over time as more data becomes available.  


The data items above are not necessarily labelled as indicated above and by default information is grouped by ‘type’. For example, there is no single menu items labelled GP information, but rather elements of the GP record can be found under menu items such as Alerts and Risks, Clinical Notes, Medication etc. (there is also a Summary menu item that summarises the GP information. Note that this does not summarise all the information). This grouping can be customised if required. See Configure the Document Tree below. 

To aid navigation the CDV has a cascading menu structure that can be expanded and collapsed via the expand/collapse icons . 

The title of the item will show the information that is held and the source of the information. If the title is ‘clipped’ the width of the CDV can be extended by hovering over the vertical separator between the CDV and the summary screen and using the two-headed arrow to drag the divider to the right. 

Hovering over the item will display further summary information and clicking on an item will open that item in the main area of the screen. 

To return to the Summary screen click on the Summary tab at the top of the window or use the CDV tree to open further items. 

Note that some, but not all, information available from the CDV is also shown in a dashboard panel. 

Viewed items 

Items that have been opened switch from a Bold font to a Normal font to indicate which documents have previously been viewed. 

Hovering over an item to display the summary box provides and option to flag an item that had been previously read as Unread, or flag an unread item as Read. 

Image showing summary box 


Configuring the CDV 

The current configuration of the CDV is displayed in the header. The eye icon can be used to change the default layout. 

Image showing the CDV Tree header 

Items can be restricted to show information by timeframe, grouped by Date, Service, Author, Organisation, Data Source or Care Setting and then sorted by Date, Title or Author. 

Image showing customize view options for the CDV 



The magnifying glass icon can be used to search the CDV. Searches can also be restricted to Read or Unread documents. The exclamation mark can search for documents that have been flagged as Important. 

Image showing search box for the CDV 


The semi-circular arrow can be used to re-fresh the document tree and will return the view to the set default view. 

DCCR - Clinical Document Viewer