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PAS Outpatients - Menu Overview

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes


HRIPS - Book Appointment from RI

Searches the whole of the RI thoroughly for your patient and can be used to book New and Follow Up appointments and add Patients to the Pending List

HOPS – Outpatient Search

If the patient has had an outpatient appointment previously you can book appointments from this option. This is also used to rebook and cancel appointments and view Outstanding appointments.

HOCE – Clinic Enquiry

To view a Clinicians clinic, shows number of patients booked, free slots available, messages and comments for that clinic.

HOOA – Record Outcome

To record Patient Outcomes individually

HOBCR – Batch Clinic Reconciliation

To record Patient Outcomes for a whole clinic – usually done at the end of the clinic.

HOAH – Outpatient Appointment History

Shows a full history of all the appointments for a Patient. Past, Outstanding, Cancelled and if the patient is on any Pending lists.

HDFFS – Search for Free Slots

Used for searching for free slots – can be slow in live, not shown in training

HOAR – Record Outpatient Arrival

Used to check and amend Patient Demographic details and record the arrival time of a Patient

HOXHCE – Cross Hospital Clinic Enquiry

Used for looking at clinics and appointments in other hospitals. Viewing only will need to swap organisation to book an appointment

HOMA – Maintain Summary Attendance

We do not use.

HOXH – Cross Hospital Bookings

Used for booking appointments in other hospitals. Remember you may need to swap organisation

HGPWY – 18 Week Pathway

Shows a full history of all the patients pathways

HCAB – CAB Work List

Used for Choose and Book appointments (OP Bookers)

HOUB Search for appointment by UBRN

Used to look for appointments using the Unique Booking Reference Number (Choose and Book)

MPUSER – PAS User Utilities

Used to Swap Organisation when booking appointments at other Hospital sites, Print Labels and Change Password








PAS Outpatients - Menu Overview