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Strata : using comments in Strata

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

The following guidance has been produced in response to feedback that the high volume of comments in Strata is confusing and it can be unclear who the comment is directed to, its purpose and its priority.


Comments should be used judiciously and only to provide essential and useful status updates.
Generally, Requests for Information, not comments, should be used where action is required.


As referrals can be seen by many people in different organisations and roles, please use the following format at the start of your comment:

FAO: Specify who you want to note the comment e.g. Ward, GP, IToCH, receiver service
Priority – Specify Urgent or Routine
For Information/Action: Specify whether you require a response. Generally, comments should be used to provide status updates. Consider using Request For Information if action is required.
My role: Specify your job title. Your name and timestamp will automatically appear above the comment so does not need to be added.

Comment text follows


FAO: IToCH, Priority: Routine
For information:
My role: Administrator
Referral will be triaged on Monday.

Strata : using comments in Strata