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How to Update a Referral with a Location Change

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

There are two fields that must be updated when a patient has been relocated.


These fields are the Referral Owner and the patient’s Current Location.


This is done from within the referral form, therefore, first search for and open the patient’s referral.


Referral Owner

 The first field to update is the referral owner.

 The current referral owner is the team/service responsible for updating this field to the patient’s new ward/location, prior to relocating the patient.

 This field is located on the Client Details tab and is called the Service Provider field.

 Scroll down until you reach this field and delete the Service Provider listed, then begin to type the new location.



This is a smart field; the system will display locations for you to select based on the first three characters typed.

Once updated the new referral owner’s ward/location will display in the field. Click Save.


Current Location

The second field to update is the patient’s new Current Location.

This field is updated by the ward/location to which the patient is being relocated when the patient arrives.

This field is located on the Demographics tab.

To do this, scrll to the last field on the page, where is says Current Location.

Delete the location in the field and begin to type the new location.

This is a smart field; the system will display locations for you to select based on the first three characters typed.

Click on the appropriate location and click Save.

The patient’s location has now been updated.





How to Update a Referral with a Location Change