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Full Workflow Guide - Author

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

This new process only applies to letters created under the specialties where the ‘Full Workflow’ has been deployed. Please continue to use the existing process for letters created under any other specialty.


Open Dragon Medical Workflow Manager and create a new document from your clinic list, or as a new ad-hoc letter:




Choose the type of document that you wish to create from the available options using the dropdown menu on the right of the window.

Your choice will persist for all future documents you create until you change it again.

 Please note: the ‘Discharge Summary’ Document Type does not replace any existing discharge summary process in Maxims and is only for discharge summaries you already dictate using Dragon Medical Workflow Manager.

 Change the Document Type before you start your dictation, as any progress will be lost when changing types:


You will see two dialog boxes containing warnings if you select a different Document Type. You can press ‘OK’ to both if you are happy to lose any existing text and audio:



The new Document Types feature Bookmarks – sections of the letter that can be navigated between by using the voice commands “Next” and “Previous”.

Bookmarks are indicated in the document with the text symbol “I”.

The first Bookmark in any template is where text will be entered by default. You can also choose a Bookmark by left-clicking it:

Please note, if you use the Auto-text function of speech recognition to insert your own templates then you will still use the “Next field” and “Previous field” voice commands to navigate fields marked with square brackets [] in your auto-text.

Create a Comment for any actions you wish your medical secretary to take before distributing the letter. You should identify which recipients you would like a letter to be sent to. You can also request for a leaflet to be included with the letter, for example.

You can either type your comment into the text field or record an audio clip for your medical secretary to listen to.

Please note, that you cannot use speech recognition when creating comments:

When you have finished dictating your letter, you can choose from one of two options:


The document will be sent to your medical secretaries for transcription and full checking. Once the letter has been transcribed and checked, it will be returned to you for review and signing off (this process is detailed in steps 6-9).


The document will be sent to your medical secretaries for final visual checks and distribution. If you have not used speech recognition to create the letter, then it will also be transcribed. Choosing this option will electronically sign the document, indicating that you are signing off the content of the letter and it will not be returned to you for review:

Save & Close will send it to your drafts for completion at a later

For those authors who choose to review letters before distribution (ie you are clicking the SEND option), you will find a new ‘Review’ tab on your home screen. Clicking on this tab will display any documents that require review:

Clicking the ‘Quick-sign All’ button will display a scrollable list of all documents that require review:


At the end of each document is a tick box marked ‘Add to Quick-sign’. This box is ticked by default.

If you see a document that you wish to amend and not immediately sign then untick the box.

Once you have reviewed all documents, clicking the ‘Sign’ button will sign all documents that remain ticked and send them to your medical secretary for distribution:


Any documents that remain in your review queue can be edited by double-clicking the job to open it, then clicking the Edit button to unlock the document for making amendments.

Once you have completed your amendments to the document, click ‘Sign’ to return it to your medical secretary for distribution:







Full Workflow Guide - Author