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Requesting Further information (RFIs)

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

If further information to help you to assess the referral is required, click on Request for Information (RFI).

The Request for Information box will open. Enter the Reason and a Comment and click the Request for Information button. This will return the referral to the original sender for further information.

The status Request For information (REQ) appears on the referral indicating the request is sent.

When the sender has updated the Request for Information, the referral will return to the status on the Dashboard that the referral was in prior to the Request for Information being sent.
A message appears in RED on the bottom of the referral advising that the referral has been updated: Referral Updated: <Date and Time stamp>.

When you send a Request for Information, an email alert is triggered to the home/person/team that made the referral to you in the first place. Similarly, when they response to your Request for Information you will receive an email to alert you to review
the response.

To view the sender’s response to your Request for information, click once on the patient record to activate it, it turns BLUE,

The Updates tab opens on the right-hand side of the page and displays in chronological order the dialogue/RFI. Click on Sender Comment Added.

To see the details of the update, click on the Sender Comments to see the response. Once you are happy with the update, select and click the Reviewed button at the top of the page.

The red text “This referral has been updated” message on the client referral tile will now returns to black text indicating that the referral update has been reviewed.

Clicking the Reviewed button is an important action as it will mark that you have seen the information. At the same time the Sender will be able to see that you have reviewed their response to your RFI.



Requesting Further information (RFIs)