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PAS Enquiry - Inpatient Search

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

After logging into CORE select the PAS IP/OP/Pathology Results Enquiry option and the Enquiry menu will appear.

Inpatient Search

This option will allow you to view a patient's Inpatient stay. It will only display patients that have had previous inpatient episodes.

Type the CR number and press the return key. Or search for the patient using the methods described in the PAS Patient Registration - Searching the Referrals Index page for more information. The patient’s demographic details will be displayed.

At the bottom of the screen a prompt to display Hospital Attendance is shown.

Type in H A and press return. The Hospital Attendances screen will appear.

Hospital Attendances screen commands:

Outpatient episode
I P w
Inpatient episode via a waiting list
I P e
Inpatient episode - emergency
Patient added to an Inpatient Waiting List
Ay & E
Accident & Emergency episode
Day Case episode
New Pending List – patient waiting for a new outpatient episode
Follow-up pending list – patient waiting for a follow-up appointment

The Hospital Attendances screen displays both Inpatient and Outpatient events, but you will only be able to view in depth the Inpatient events from this option. Type S E L plus the line number of the episode you wish to view, for example S E L 3, and press the return key.

The screen now displays a history of what happened to the patient during that particular inpatient episode.

Type X and press the return key to exit and return you to the previous screen. If you have finished with the patient press the F3 key to return to the menu.

PAS Enquiry - Inpatient Search