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E3 - MECU Module

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

MECU Module

The Maternity Enhanced Care Unit (M E C U) module in E3 is designed to record care provided to women requiring enhanced level care at any stage. The most common time to need this level care is immediately after delivery.

It is important to go through the workflow by answering each question and saving that answer in turn rather than picking questions from the left hand column.

Once you have logged into E3 and accessed the appropriate record, M E C U can be found in the folder structure on the left hand side of the screen, under the Covid Screening:

As with other E3 care pathways, the workflows are accessed by clicking on the plus sign and selecting the appropriate workflow:

The M E C U Discharge workflow will only be available once the M E C U Admission has been completed and can be accessed by clicking on the plus sign next to M E C U Admission:

As with other workflow types in E3 (such as Antenatal/Postnatal contacts), additional contacts within a care episode can be added by right clicking on “Maternity Enhanced Care Unit and selecting “Add M E C U Contact”. Any future M E C U Admissions can be added in the same way but selecting “Add M E C U Admission”:

The three types of workflow within M E C U are straightforward to use and will feel very familiar to someone who already uses E3:

There are different reasons for contacts available and this might mean that an individual has more than one contact per day within an admission:

You will notice that some elements of each workflow change depending on the type of contact; some will be more detailed to allow full documentation of clinical and care information while others, such as “Specialist Input” will reduce the workflow to a few questions and the additional comments section.

There are also changes to the Admission and Discharge workflows depending on information such as level of care or a patient’s discharge destination. The system does this automatically and will ask appropriate questions for the care you have documented.

E3 - MECU Module